Argumentive Essay Against Abortion

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Surprise, Mom: I'm Against Abortion. This contrast between mother and teenage daughter illustrates a trend noted in polls: that teenagers and college- age Americans are more conservative about abortion rights than their counterparts of a generation ago. Many people who are old enough to have teenage children and who equate youth with liberal opinions on topics like gay rights have been surprised at this discovery. Miss Dahl was one of numerous students in her class who chose to make speeches about abortion, and most took the anti- abortion side.

Argumentive Essay Against Abortion

The figure was down from 6. A New York Times/CBS News poll in January found that among people 1.

Abortion isn't a rights issue - - it's become for increasing numbers of young people a moral, ethical issue,'' said Henry Brady, a professor of political science and public policy at the University of California at Berkeley who has taken surveys in this area. They include the decline in teenage pregnancy over the last 1.

Argumentive Essay Against Abortion

Just like all lore, there are baby names myths and legends that have been perpetuated in our society. Surely you or someone who knows someone who went to school with. provides a searchable database of over one hundred thousand prewritten essays, term papers, research papers for school, college papers, book reports.

They also cite society's greater acceptance of single parenthood; the spread of ultrasound technology, which has made the fetus seem more human; and the easing of the stigma attached to giving up a child for adoption. Ten to 1. 5 years ago, said Frances Kissling, president of Catholics for a Free Choice, an abortion- rights group, adoption was generally portrayed as an effort to find parents for needy children. Now, she said, that has changed, as infertile couples desperately seek children.''Young people are idealistic,'' Ms. One of the main sacrifices you can give is the gift of a child to a deserving couple.''The most commonly cited reason for the increasingly conservative views of young people is their receptiveness to the way anti- abortion campaigners have reframed the national debate, shifting the emphasis from a woman's rights to the rights of the fetus. Abortion opponents celebrated on March 1. Senate passed a ban on a procedure that its critics call partial- birth abortion; the bill is expected to pass the House quickly and be signed by President Bush, and to immediately face a court challenge.

Even though the procedure is used in only a tiny fraction of cases, graphic descriptions of it since the mid- 9. Garrow, a legal historian at Emory University. Definition Essay Examples For Kids. Britni Hoffbeck, another speech student at Red Wing High who opposes abortion, put her argument succinctly: ''It's more about the baby's rights than the woman's rights.''Tom Cosgrove, a communications consultant in Cambridge, Mass., who has researched the views of young people for abortion- rights groups, said: ''All the restrictions that the right- to- life movement has imposed, young people look at and say, 'They're a good thing, because it's meant to protect a young woman's health.' They don't want the label of pro- choice. The pro- life side figured out that this is about children, whereas the pro- choice movement is focused on women and choice.''Some young people who oppose abortion, and who were born after the Roe v. Wade decision in 1. One is Kelly Kroll, a junior at Boston College and president of American Collegians for Life, who says she is a ''survivor of abortion'' because she was adopted.

This article gives an overview of the moral and legal aspects of abortion and evaluates the most important arguments. The central moral aspect concerns. Right to Life of Central California has actually replicated the JFA. Persuasive Essay About Giving Birth Control To Teenagers. Giving Birth Control Devices to Teenagers “The best contraceptive is the word no - repeated. Social networking is a popular form of communicating with friends around the corner and around the world. It has become one of the top forms of communication.

Wade are distant, her peers take the right to an abortion for granted. I would hope that mothers do decide to keep their babies, but I just want women to be able to make up their own minds.''One reason there may be less support for abortion among the young is that they are less likely to imagine having to consider an abortion, because teenage pregnancy rates are down. The pregnancy rate among girls age 1. National Center for Health Statistics. Experts attribute the decline to greater awareness of AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases, which has led young people to become more cautious about sex. Studies show that fewer high school students engage in sexual intercourse, and that contraceptive use is up.''There are better contraceptives - - RU- 4. Not me, Not now,' '' said a sophomore at Hunter College High School in Manhattan whose father did not want her to be identified.

The federal government budgets $5. Alan Guttmacher Institute. Renee Walker gave permission for her seventh- grade son to participate in such a program last fall in his public school in Concord, Calif. But she said she became alarmed when, reviewing his class notes, she found a list of the disadvantages of abortion, including the circled words ''killing a baby.'' He said he had been told abortion ''tears the arms and legs off.''Ms. Walker sent a letter of complaint to officials of the district, Mount Diablo Unified School District, expressing her surprise that the abstinence curriculum had been created by First Resort, a Christian anti- abortion and pregnancy counseling group. Walker that the First Resort program was overly graphic, a schools spokeswoman said.

It asked for, and got, modifications, she said. If today's teenagers and young adults maintain their views on abortion, and if succeeding waves of students are also conservative, the balance could tip somewhat in America's long- running abortion war, some experts speculate. It's unclear whether the shift will ever be substantial enough to change the centrist position of a majority of Americans of all ages: that abortion should be legal, with restrictions. In Red Wing, the certainty of the youthful opinions of the students reminded their speech- class teacher, Jillynne Raymond, of an earlier generation's certainty.''Teenagers have strong opinions,'' Ms. Controversial Essay Topics For College Students'>Controversial Essay Topics For College Students. Quotes On Inner Beauty Vs Outer Beauty Images. I wanted the right to an abortion as a woman. The focus then was not having the government tell me what to do with my body.''''Today,'' she said of her students, ''the majority is pro- life.''Continue reading the main story.

Pros and Cons of Abortion. In several countries across the world such as Australia, Canada, Germany, United States and as many as 3. The rest of the countries either have partial restrictions on abortion like the first or second trimesters of pregnancy or a complete ban, unless it's fatal for the mother to continue pregnancy.

What is abortion? Hereby we would be weighing the pros and cons of abortion (voluntary); and analyzing whether the availability of abortion is an important right for a woman to have. From the statistical point of view, abortions caused by rape, incest and possible health concerns to mother/baby constitute just 7% of the total numbers. Social and personal issues are some other causes that add up to rest of abortions. Also, the modern day medicine has introduced the morning- after pill leading to an increase in the number and frequency of abortions in women. Although the abortion pill has substantially reduced the risks of undergoing a surgical abortion and its complications thereof, it has surfaced other health concerns, resulting in the abuse of the OTC pill and hence hormonal imbalance amongst younger women.

Abortion Facts. Half the percentage of women getting an abortion are below the age of 2. Around 6. 0% abortions are performed on 'never married' women. The failure rate for most medical abortions is around 3%, following which a surgical abortion becomes absolutely necessary. A woman's decision to go for an abortion is not impulsive in majority of the cases, although the sexual behavior that led to the pregnancy may be deemed irresponsible. Narrative Essay The Crucible on this page. Choosing between the alternatives - to abort, keep the baby or give it up for adoption can be really tough and either of the decisions can lead to depression or post- abortion trauma. Abortion Cons. The most important argument against abortion would be - can we choose to kill unwanted pregnancies?

Should a person be so irresponsible to land up in a situation where they have to be merciless to the unborn? Also, most of the unplanned pregnancies if extended to childbirth may perhaps prove to be less traumatic later. A growing embryo is considered human with the heartbeats initiating as early as 2. So what if we cannot see the human form, it does have the potential to gain one.

Choosing adoption as an alternative to abortion would give the baby its right to life. Should people resort to abortion as a last- minute contraception tool while preaching their kids about the consequences of casual sex? Infection, sepsis, recurrent miscarriages and rarely death could be the complications of abortions. An abortion can cause serious psychological impairment to the woman in the form of depression and guilt. Abortion Pros. Although women have a hard time choosing abortion as an option for unwanted pregnancies, they have been making the choice for a long time. They have been knowing the implications of their choices and hold the right to do so. Ultimately, the woman is the one who would be going through the actual 'labor' of continuing pregnancy, delivering a baby, bringing it up, parenting it well, in addition to other duties that life has to offer.

To follow through all this with little or no help from her partner and family would be extremely difficult if not impossible. There is nothing called pro- choice and pro- life. Both ideologies meet at one common point i.

Pro- Life - 'life of the baby' OR 'life of the mother'. Life of the baby ultimately depends on mother's health and it's best to allow the mother to choose for her, 'when' she wants a baby. While we argue about the mental well- being of a woman, how do others get to decide what would be more traumatic to the woman - abortion or; childbirth and the unending list of duties waiting to be accomplished. An attempt to restrict the abortions would rise not only the percentage of illegal and unsafe abortions but also the expenses of the procedure.

A new law would be needed to tackle the illegal abortions and complicate things further. Legalize or not, abortions will always be a part of society. The deciding factor whether to abort or not would be different for different people. Examples Of An Introduction Paragraph Of An Essay on this page. For one individual, abortion can be traumatic, while for others - a forced childbirth could be equally traumatic. Leadership Introduction Essay About Myself on this page. It's impossible to decide a particular set of rules for one and all.

It all depends on diverse aspects like the approach of that woman in tackling such an unwarranted situation, her psychological strength and other supportive circumstances that will not only help her decide but also be convinced about her decision.